Usar Conjugation 101: Conjugate Usar In Spanish

If you’re learning how to conjugate verbs in Spanish, usar conjugation patterns can help you practice -AR regular verbs. Since this verb is also crucial for your communication, in this guide, we’ll go over: 

Overview of Usar

Verb CharacteristicProperty
Verb Type-AR
Gerund (Present Participle) FormUsando
Past Participle FormUsado
SynonymsUtilizar, ponerse, acostumbrar.

Depending on the context, usar means ‘to use’, ‘to exercise’ or ‘to wear’. The usar conjugation charts below only have one translation to keep the tables as clear as possible. You can learn more about the meanings of ‘usar’ in the section Uses & Meanings. 

Indicative Conjugations of Usar

Present tense

Usar conjugated to the Spanish present tense expresses what someone habitually uses. For example: Mi mamá usa mucho esta bicicleta. 

YoUsoI use
UsasYou use
Él / Ella
UsaHe/She uses
You (formal) use
NosotrosUsamosWe use
VosotrosUsáisYou use
Ellos / Ellas
UsanThey use
You (plural) use

Preterite tense

Usar’s preterite conjugations refer to the things people used. Use adverbs of time to pinpoint the specific time when this action occurred. For instance: Gracias, siempre no usé tu computadora. 

YoUséI used
UsasteYou used
Él / Ella
UsóHe/She used
You (formal) used
NosotrosUsamosWe used
VosotrosUsasteisYou used
Ellos / Ellas
UsaronThey used
You (plural) used

Imperfect tense

Conjugate pensar to the imperfect tense in Spanish to talk about the things people used for an extended period of time in the past. For example: Martha siempre usaba la misma falda. 

YoUsabaI used
I used to use
UsabasYou used
You used to use
Él / Ella
UsabaHe/She used
He/She used to use

You (formal) used
You (formal) used to use
NosotrosUsábamosWe used
We used to use
VosotrosUsabaisYou used
You used to use
Ellos / Ellas
UsabanThey used
They used to use

You (plural) used
You (plural) used to use

Near future

Use ir in the present tense + a + usar to form the Spanish near future tense. We use this tense to say that someone will use something soon. For example: Mamá, ¿vas a usar el carro en la tarde?

YoVoy a usarI’m going to use
Vas a usarYou’re going to use
Él / Ella
Va a usarHe/She is going to use
You (formal) are going to use
NosotrosVamos a usarWe’re going to use
VosotrosVais a usarYou’re going to use
Ellos / Ellas
Van a usarThey’re going to use
You (plural) are going to use

Future simple tense

When conjugated to the future simple tense in Spanish, usar conveys that someone will use something at some point in the future. For instance: Si quieres agárrala, no la usaremos hoy. 

YoUsaréI will use
UsarásYou will use
Él / Ella
UsaráHe/She will use
You (formal) will use
NosotrosUsaremosWe will use
VosotrosUsaréisYou (formal) will use
Ellos / Ellas
UsaránThey will use
You (plural) will use

Conditional tense

The conditional forms of this verb allow you to say that someone would use something. These usar conjugations can help you build conditional or hypothetical sentences related to using something. For example: Si yo fuera tú, no usaría las cosas de Mariana. 

YoUsaríaI would use
UsaríasYou would use
Él / Ella
UsaríaHe/She would use
You (formal) would use
NosotrosUsaríamosWe would use
VosotrosUsaríaisYou would use
Ellos / Ellas
UsaríanThey would use
You (plural) would use

Present perfect tense

In Spanish, the present perfect tense is built with haber’s present tense conjugations + usado. You can use these conjugations to say whether someone has used something. For instance: Oigan, ¿ya han usado la nueva copiadora?

YoHe usadoI have used
Has usadoYou have used
Él / Ella
Ha usadoHe/She has used
You (formal) have used
NosotrosHemos usadoWe have used
VosotrosHabéis usadoYou have used
Ellos / Ellas
Han usadoThey have used
You (plural) have used

Past perfect

When conjugated to the past perfect tense, usar expresses that someone had used something before a past reference point. To form the Spanish past tense, use the imperfect forms of haber + the past participle of ‘usar’. Quebré mi celular nuevo y todavía no lo había usado. 

YoHabía usadoI had used
Habías usadoYou had used
Él / Ella
Había usadoHe/She had used
You (formal) had used
NosotrosHabíamos usadoWe had used
VosotrosHabíais usadoYou had used
Ellos / Ellas
Habían usadoThey had used
You (plural) had used

Future perfect

The usar future perfect conjugations communicate that someone will have used something by or before a point in the future. For instance: ¿Crees que Claudia ya habrá usado la blusa que le di?

YoHabré usadoI will have used
Habrás usadoYou will have used
Él / Ella
Habrá usadoHe/She will have used
You (formal) will have used
NosotrosHabremos usadoWe will have used
VosotrosHabréis usadoYou will have used
Ellos / Ellas
Habrán usadoThey will have used
You (plural) will have used

Conditional perfect

The conditional perfect forms of usar express that someone would have used something if a past circumstance occurred. For example: No habría usado tu carro si no hubiera sido una emergencia. 

YoHabría usadoI would have used
Habrías usadoYou would have used
Él / Ella
Habría usadoHe/She would have used
You (formal) would have used
NosotrosHabríamos usadoWe would have used
VosotrosHabríais usadoYou would have used
Ellos / Ellas
Habrían usadoThey would have used
You (plural) would have used

Progressive tenses

Estar conjugations + usando (present participle form) is how you form the progressive tenses in Spanish. When using these tenses, you’re expressing that someone is using something at the moment of speaking. For example: ¿Quién está usando la estufa?

Progressive TenseFormulaTranslation Example
PresentEstar (present) + usandoI am using
PreteriteEstar (preterite) + usandoYou were using
ImperfectEstar (imperfect) + usandoHe was using
FutureEstar (future) + usandoWe will be using
ConditionalEstar (conditional) + usandoThey would be using

Usar Subjunctive Conjugations

The subjunctive mood in Spanish communicates a person’s wishes, demands, hopes, requests, advice, uncertainty about something, or hypothetical situations. Below, we’ll review the usar conjugation tables for the most important subjunctive tenses. 

Present subjunctive

Usar subjunctive conjugations are regular. You can use these forms to talk about wishes, suggestions, demands or suggestions about someone using something. For example: La maestra no quiere que usemos el celular en clase. 

YoUseI use
UsesYou use
Él / Ella
UseHe/She uses
You (formal) use
NosotrosUsemosWe use
VosotrosUséisYou use
Ellos / Ellas
UsenThey use
You (plural) use

Present perfect subjunctive

The perfect subjunctive conjugations of ‘usar’ are used to wonder or wish a person has already used something. This tense is formed with the present subjunctive forms of ‘haber’ + usado. For example: Dudo que hayan usado el programa que les pedí. 

YoHaya usadoI have used
Hayas usadoYou have used
Él / Ella
Haya usadoHe/She has used
You (formal) have used
NosotrosHayamos usadoWe have used
VosotrosHayáis usadoYou have used
Ellos / Ellas
Hayan usadoThey have used
You (plural) have used

Imperfect subjunctive

Usar conjugated to the Spanish imperfect subjunctive tense communicates past hopes, wishes, requests, or suggestions someone had about a person using something. For example: Les dije que no usaran mis cosas. 

Latin American and Castilian Spanish have their specific conjugation model for this tense: 

Latin American Spanish version

YoUsaraI used
UsarasYou used
Él / Ella
UsaraHe/She used
You (formal) used
NosotrosUsáramosWe used
Ellos / Ellas
UsaranThey used
You (plural) used

Note: Vosotros is not one of the subject pronouns used in Latin American Spanish. As a result, the previous usar conjugation for this pronoun isn’t included in the above chart. 

Castilian Spanish version

YoUsaseI used
UsasesYou used
Él / Ella
UsaseHe/She used
You (formal) used
NosotrosUsásemosWe used
VosotrosUsaseisYou used
Ellos / Ellas
UsasenThey used
You (plural) used

Past perfect subjunctive

In Spanish, the past perfect subjunctive conjugations of usar express that someone would have used something if a past action took place. These forms can also express regret or the hypothetical results if someone had used something. 

For example: Te hubieras visto más bonita si hubieras usado la falda roja.

YoHubiera usadoI had used
Hubieras usadoYou had used
Él / Ella
Hubiera usadoHe/She had used
You (formal) had used
NosotrosHubiéramos usadoWe had used
VosotrosHubierais usadoYou had used
Ellos / Ellas
Hubieran usadoThey had used
You (plural) had used

Usar Imperative Conjugations

To command people to use or not use something, you must conjugate usar to the imperative mood in Spanish

Affirmative commands

In the affirmative imperative, usar is a regular verb. These forms allow you to order someone to use something. For example: Toma, usa esta pluma, por favor. 


Negative commands

On the other hand, you can use the Spanish negative imperative forms to command people not to use something. ¡No usen el celular en clase!

No usesDon’t use
UstedNo useDon’t use
VosotrosNo uséisDon’t use
UstedesNo usenDon’t use

Meanings of Usar & Examples

Since you’ve just seen how to conjugate usar in Spanish, in this section, we’ll review the most common applications of this verb. Depending on the sentence, usar means to ‘use’ or ‘wear’: 

[Usar conjugated] + [complement]

¿Qué vas a usar para la fiesta?
What are you going to wear for the party?

Dejé mi celular en la mesa y alguien lo usó
I left my phone on the table and someone used it. 

En México, no se usa el pronombre vosotros.
 In Mexico, they don’t use the pronoun ‘vosotros’. 

Take Note: If it’s clear what the thing someone uses is, you can replace it with a Spanish direct object pronoun. With this verb, it’s common to use sentences with passive voice with se (like example 3). These constructions refer to the things a large group of people use.

Download Usar Conjugation Charts & Uses Cheat sheet

Usar is an important Spanish verb with a regular -AR conjugation pattern. You can find out how to conjugate this verb and its pattern by checking out the usar conjugation reference guide.

Practice Quiz: Usar Conjugation

Now that know how to conjugate this verb, you should take this usar conjugation practice quiz.

Daniela Sanchez

¡Hola! Soy Daniela Sanchez, I've been studying Spanish professionally as well as teaching it in Mexico and online for over 10 years. I’ve taught Spanish to a wide array of foreigners from many backgrounds. Over the years, I've made it my mission to work hard on refining many challenging to understand grammar topics to make my students' learning experiences easier, faster and more enjoyable. Read More About Me

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