Parecer Conjugation 101: Conjugate Parecer In Spanish

In Spanish, parecer is a crucial -ER verb with multiple applications. However, it has some consonant changes that affect other verbs ending with –cer. So, in this guide, we’ll review parecer conjugation. Here is an overview of what we’ll cover: 

Overview of Parecer

Verb CharacteristicProperty
Verb Type-ER
Gerund (Present Participle) FormPareciendo
Past Participle FormParecido
SynonymsOpinar, pensar, asemejarse, aparentar.

Stem Changes: -CER to ZC

  • Present Indicative: parezc only for ‘yo’.
  • Present Subjunctive: parezc for all subject pronouns. 
  • Affirmative Imperative: parezc only for ‘usted’ and ‘ustedes’. 
  • Negative Imperative: parezc for all subject pronouns.

The verb parecer has numerous meanings in Spanish. The conjugation charts below only have one translation to keep the tables as organized as possible. To learn more about the different uses of parecer, go to the section Uses & Meanings. 

Indicative Conjugations of Parecer

Present tense

In the present tense, parecer has a -CER to ZC change for the subject pronoun ‘yo’. Use parecer’s present conjugations to point out the resemblance between two people or explain how someone seems to be. For instance: Tu mamá parece muy amable. 

YoParezcoI seem
ParecesYou seem
Él / Ella
PareceHe/She seems
You (formal) seem
NosotrosParecemosWe seem
VosotrosParecéisYou seem
Ellos / Ellas
ParecenThey seem
You (plural) seem

Preterite tense

Parecer conjugations in the past preterite tense are regular. Use the preterite forms to explain what you thought about something or how something seemed. For instance: Los precios nos parecieron muy caros. 

YoParecíI seemed
ParecisteYou seemed
Él / Ella
ParecióHe/She seemed
You (formal) seemed
NosotrosParecimosWe seemed
VosotrosParecisteisYou seemed
Ellos / Ellas
ParecieronThey seemed
You (plural) seemed

Imperfect tense

The imperfect conjugations of parecer can be used to communicate how someone or something used to seem in the past. You can also use these forms to refer to the resemblance people or things used to have. For example: Cuando era niña, mi hermana se parecía a mi mamá. 

YoParecíaI seemed
I used to seem
ParecíasYou seemed
You used to seem
Él / Ella
ParecíaHe/She seemed
He/She used to seem

You (formal) seemed
You (formal) used to seem
NosotrosParecíamosWe seemed
We used to seem
VosotrosParecíaisYou seemed
You used to seem
Ellos / Ellas
ParecíanThey seemed
They used to seem

You (plural) seemed
You (plural) used to seem

Near future

To form the near future conjugations of parecer, use ir (present forms) + a + infinitive verb. These conjugations allow you to explain what something or someone is going to look like or a person’s opinion about something. Creo que tus hijos se van a parecer a tu esposo. 

YoVoy a parecerI’m going to seem
Vas a parecerYou’re going to seem
Él / Ella
Va a parecerHe/She is going to seem
You (formal) are going to seem
NosotrosVamos a parecerWe’re going to seem
VosotrosVais a parecerYou’re going to seem
Ellos / Ellas
Van a parecerThey’re going to seem
You (plural) are going to seem

Future simple tense

Use parecer conjugated to the simple future in Spanish to explain that something will look like another person or to say what someone will think about a specific situation. A Roberto no le parecerá bien que usemos su teléfono. 

YoPareceréI will seem
ParecerásYou will seem
Él / Ella
PareceráHe/She will seem
You (formal) will seem
NosotrosPareceremosWe will seem
VosotrosPareceréisYou (formal) will seem
Ellos / Ellas
PareceránThey will seem
You (plural) will seem

Conditional tense

Conjugate parecer to the indicative conditional tense to express that someone or something would seem a certain way. You can also use these forms to ask people politely what they think about a proposal. For example: ¿Le parecería bien si la comunico con mi gerente?

YoPareceríaI would seem
PareceríasYou would seem
Él / Ella
PareceríaHe/She would seem
You (formal) would seem
NosotrosPareceríamosWe would seem
VosotrosPareceríaisYou would seem
Ellos / Ellas
PareceríanThey would seem
You (plural) would seem

Present perfect tense

To form the present perfect forms of ‘parecer’, use the present indicative conjugations of haber + parecido (verb in past participle). These conjugations allow you to express that someone has seemed a certain way or looked like another person. For example: Julieta nunca se ha parecido a Emma. 

YoHe parecidoI have seemed
Has parecidoYou have seemed
Él / Ella
Ha parecidoHe/She has seemed
You (formal) have seemed
NosotrosHemos parecidoWe have seemed
VosotrosHabéis parecidoYou have seemed
Ellos / Ellas
Han parecidoThey have seemed
You (plural) have seemed

Past perfect

In Spanish, the past perfect of parecer is used to say that something had or hadn’t seemed a certain way before a past point in time. To build this tense, use the haber in the imperfect tense + the past participle form of ‘parecer’. For example: Dijiste que te había parecido una buena idea. 

YoHabía parecidoI had seemed
Habías parecidoYou had seemed
Él / Ella
Había parecidoHe/She had seemed
You (formal) had seemed
NosotrosHabíamos parecidoWe had seemed
VosotrosHabíais parecidoYou had seemed
Ellos / Ellas
Habían parecidoThey had seemed
You (plural) had seemed

Future perfect

Use parecer’s future perfect forms to explain that something will have seemed or someone will have looked like another person by or before a specific moment. These forms can also be used to ask what something might have seemed to others.  

For example: ¿Le habrá parecido una mala idea?

YoHabré parecidoI will have seemed
Habrás parecidoYou will have seemed
Él / Ella
Habrá parecidoHe/She will have seemed
You (formal) will have seemed
NosotrosHabremos parecidoWe will have seemed
VosotrosHabréis parecidoYou will have seemed
Ellos / Ellas
Habrán parecidoThey will have seemed
You (plural) will have seemed

Conditional perfect

Conjugate parecer to the conditional perfect tense to communicate that someone would have looked like another person or something would have seemed a certain way if a past condition had occurred. For example: Si mi nariz fuera más pequeña, me habría parecido más a mi abuela. 

YoHabría parecidoI would have seemed
Habrías parecidoYou would have seemed
Él / Ella
Habría parecidoHe/She would have seemed
You (formal) would have seemed
NosotrosHabríamos parecidoWe would have seemed
VosotrosHabríais parecidoYou would have seemed
Ellos / Ellas
Habrían parecidoThey would have seemed
You (plural) would have seemed

Progressive tenses

The progressive forms of parecer are most frequently used to say or ask for someone’s opinion about something at the moment of speaking. These conjugations are used with estar conjugations + the present participle form of this verb. 

For example: ¿Qué les está pareciendo la obra?

Progressive TenseFormulaTranslation Example
PresentEstar (present) + pareciendoI am seeming
PreteriteEstar (preterite) + pareciendoYou were seeming
ImperfectEstar (imperfect) + pareciendoHe was seeming
FutureEstar (future) + pareciendoWe will be seeming
ConditionalEstar (conditional) + pareciendoThey would be seeming

Parecer Subjunctive Conjugations

The subjunctive mood in Spanish is used to refer to someone’s hopes, expectations, requests, doubts, and advice or to express hypothetical situations. Below are the parecer conjugation charts for the most important subjunctive tenses. 

Present subjunctive

Parecer subjunctive conjugation has a -CER to ZC stem change for all subject pronouns. With these conjugations, parecer is used to suggest, ask or wish that something doesn’t seem a certain way or that someone doesn’t like another person. 

For example: Espero que nuestras ideas les parezcan bien.

YoParezcaI seem
ParezcasYou seem
Él / Ella
ParezcaHe/She seems
You (formal) seem
NosotrosParezcamosWe seem
VosotrosParezcáisYou seem
Ellos / Ellas
ParezcanThey seem
You (plural) seem

Present perfect subjunctive

The present perfect subjunctive tense is formed by using haber (present subjunctive) + parecido. These parecer conjugations allow you to express wishes or doubt about whether someone had a good or bad opinion about something. No creo que les haya parecido mal. 

YoHaya parecidoI have seemed
Hayas parecidoYou have seemed
Él / Ella
Haya parecidoHe/She has seemed
You (formal) have seemed
NosotrosHayamos parecidoWe have seemed
VosotrosHayáis parecidoYou have seemed
Ellos / Ellas
Hayan parecidoThey have seemed
You (plural) have seemed

Imperfect subjunctive

The Spanish imperfect subjunctive of this verb allows you to talk about past advice, demands, and expectations you had about someone looking like another person. These conjugations can also be used to make hypotheses about how something or someone seems. Paraciera que estás enojada conmigo. 

Based on whether you’re learning Castilian or Latin American Spanish, the imperfect subjunctive tense follows a particular conjugation pattern:

Latin American Spanish version

YoParecieraI seemed
ParecierasYou seemed
Él / Ella
ParecieraHe/She seemed
You (formal) seemed
NosotrosPareciéramosWe seemed
Ellos / Ellas
ParecieranThey seemed
You (plural) seemed

Note: Since vosotros is not used in Latin American Spanish, its parecer conjugation has been omitted from the conjugation chart above. 

Castilian Spanish version

YoParecieseI seemed
PareciesesYou seemed
Él / Ella
ParecieseHe/She seemed
You (formal) seemed
NosotrosPareciésemosWe seemed
VosotrosParecieseisYou seemed
Ellos / Ellas
PareciesenThey seemed
You (plural) seemed

Past perfect subjunctive

When conjugated to the past perfect subjunctive, parecer expresses that someone or something would have seemed or looked a certain way. For example: Si hubieran sonreído un poco más, hubieran parecido más amable. 

YoHubiera parecidoI had seemed
Hubieras parecidoYou had seemed
Él / Ella
Hubiera parecidoHe/She had seemed
You (formal) had seemed
NosotrosHubiéramos parecidoWe had seemed
VosotrosHubierais parecidoYou had seemed
Ellos / Ellas
Hubieran parecidoThey had seemed
You (plural) had seemed

Parecer Imperative Conjugations

The Spanish imperative mood is used to give commands to people. The affirmative imperative allows you to tell them to do something, whereas the negative imperative commands not to do something.

Affirmative commands

This verb’s imperative conjugations have a consonant change for ‘usted’ and ‘ustedes’. You can see this parecer conjugation change in the chart below. These forms can be used to strongly suggest someone to seem a certain way. However, they aren’t very common. 

Ahí viene Luisa, pareced enojados.


Negative commands

You can use negative commands to tell someone not to seem a certain way. However, these commands are closer to a suggestion and are not as commonly used. For example: ¡Ay, no parezcan tan emocionados, por favor!

No parezcasDon’t seem
UstedNo parezcaDon’t seem
VosotrosNo parezcáisDon’t seem
UstedesNo parezcanDon’t seem

Meanings of Parecer & Examples

In the sections above, you’ve learned how to conjugate parecer in Spanish. Now, in this section, we’ll review some of this verb’s most common uses. Depending on the Spanish pronouns and conjugations you use, parecer means

  • To look like (use reflexive pronouns)
  • To seem or appear (combine with adjectives)
  • Apparently or it seems (use impersonal forms)
  • To think or find (use indirect object pronouns)
  • Sounds good (use adverbs of manner)

[Parecer conjugated] + [complement]

A nosotros nos parece bien. 
It sounds good to us. 

Cuando te conocí, parecías un poco antipático. 
When I met you, you seemed disagreeable. 

¿Qué les pareció la película?
What did you guys think about the movie?

Parece que van a cerrar la carretera. 
It seems that they’re going to close the highway. 

De niño, te parecías mucho a tu papá. 
When you were a kid, you looked very much like your dad.

Download Parecer Conjugation Charts & Uses Cheat sheets

Parecer is an important and common stem-changing verb in Spanish. It’s also highly dynamic with many different uses and meanings. So, I’ve created a cheat sheet PDF with all of the parecer conjugation charts along with it definitions and examples to see how you can apply it in your daily conversations.

Practice Quiz: Parecer Conjugation

Congratulations! You now know how to conjugate one of the most common -ER verbs. Now you can take the parecer conjugation practice quiz to test your knowledge of all its regular and stem-changing forms.

Daniela Sanchez

¡Hola! Soy Daniela Sanchez, I've been studying Spanish professionally as well as teaching it in Mexico and online for over 10 years. I’ve taught Spanish to a wide array of foreigners from many backgrounds. Over the years, I've made it my mission to work hard on refining many challenging to understand grammar topics to make my students' learning experiences easier, faster and more enjoyable. Read More About Me

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