Conocer Conjugation 101: Conjugate Conocer in Spanish

Conocer is an -ER verb with consonant changes. Since many verbs ending in –cer follow this pattern, in this guide, we’ll go over the most important conocer conjugation charts. Here is a summary of what we’ll cover:

‘Conocer’ can be translated as ‘to meet’, ‘to know’, or ‘to be familiar with’, among other applications. The conocer conjugation charts below only have one translation to keep the tables as organized as possible. To learn more about the meanings of ‘conocer’, go to the section Uses & Meanings.

Overview of Conocer

Verb CharacteristicProperty
Verb Type-ER
Gerund (Present Participle) FormConociendo
Past Participle FormConocido
SynonymsSaber, entender, relacionarse.

Stem Changes: -CER to ZC

  • Present Indicative: conozc only for ‘yo’.
  • Present Subjunctive: conozc for all subject pronouns.
  • Affirmative Imperative: conozc for ‘usted’ and ‘ustedes’.
  • Negative Imperative: conozc for all subject pronouns.

Indicative Conjugations of Conocer

Present tense

The conocer present tense conjugation for the subject pronoun ‘yo’ has a -CER to -ZC change. These conjugations express that a person knows someone or is familiar with something. For instance: ¿Ustedes conocen a esa chica?

YoConozcoI know
ConocesYou know
Él / Ella
ConoceHe/She knows
You (formal) know
NosotrosConocemosWe know
VosotrosConocéisYou know
Ellos / Ellas
ConocenThey know
You (plural) know

Preterite tense

Conocer preterite conjugations are regular. Conjugate this verb to the Spanish past preterite to convey that a person met someone. You can use adverbs of time to point out the specific moment when this action occurred. For example: Ayer, conocí a la chica nueva. 

YoConocíI knew
ConocisteYou knew
Él / Ella
ConocióHe/She knew
You (formal) knew
NosotrosConocimosWe knew
VosotrosConocisteisYou knew
Ellos / Ellas
ConocieronThey knew
You (plural) knew

Imperfect tense

When conjugated to the past imperfect tense, conocer expresses that, until now, someone didn’t know a person or a place. You can also use this tense to say that you used to know a person for an extended period of time in the past. For example: No conocíamos este lugar. 

YoConocíaI knew
I used to know
ConocíasYou knew
You used to know
Él / Ella
ConocíaHe/She knew
He/She used to know

You (formal) knew
You (formal) used to know
NosotrosConocíamosWe knew
We used to know
VosotrosConocíaisYou knew
You used to know
Ellos / Ellas
ConocíanThey knew
They used to know

You (plural) knew
You (plural) used to know

Near future

To conjugate to the immediate future in Spanish, use the present forms of ir + a + infinitive verb (conocer, for this guide). These conocer conjugations convey that someone will meet someone or become familiar with a place soon in the future. For instance: En unos días, voy a conocer a mis suegros. 

YoVoy a conocerI’m going to know
Vas a conocerYou’re going to know
Él / Ella
Va a conocerHe/She is going to know
You (formal) are going to know
NosotrosVamos a conocerWe’re going to know
VosotrosVais a conocerYou’re going to know
Ellos / Ellas
Van a conocerThey’re going to know
You (plural) are going to know

Future simple tense

When conjugated to the Spanish future tense, this verb expresses that someone will meet a person or be familiar with a place at some point in the future. Algún día, conoceremos a nuestro escritor favorito. 

YoConoceréI will know
ConocerásYou will know
Él / Ella
ConoceráHe/She will know
You (formal) will know
NosotrosConoceremosWe will know
VosotrosConoceréisYou (formal) will know
Ellos / Ellas
ConoceránThey will know
You (plural) will know

Conditional tense

In the Spanish conditional tense, conocer is used to express that a person would know someone or a certain place. Si la viera en la calle, no la conocería. 

YoConoceríaI would know
ConoceríasYou would know
Él / Ella
ConoceríaHe/She would know
You (formal) would know
NosotrosConoceríamosWe would know
VosotrosConoceríaisYou would know
Ellos / Ellas
ConoceríanThey would know
You (plural) would know

Present perfect tense

The present forms of haber + the past participle of ‘conocer’ is the structure you must use to conjugate this verb to the present perfect indicative tense in Spanish. These conjugations convey that someone has or hasn’t known a place or met someone. 

For instance: Todavía no hemos conocido a tu novia. 

YoHe conocidoI have known
Has conocidoYou have known
Él / Ella
Ha conocidoHe/She has known
You (formal) have known
NosotrosHemos conocidoWe have known
VosotrosHabéis conocidoYou have known
Ellos / Ellas
Han conocidoThey have known
You (plural) have known

Past perfect

When conjugated to the past perfect tense, conocer expresses that a person had or hadn’t met someone or known a place until this point. For instance: Nunca había conocido a alguien tan simpático. 

To form this perfect tense, conjugate haber to the imperfect tense and use the past participle form of conocer.

YoHabía conocidoI had known
Habías conocidoYou had known
Él / Ella
Había conocidoHe/She had known
You (formal) had known
NosotrosHabíamos conocidoWe had known
VosotrosHabíais conocidoYou had known
Ellos / Ellas
Habían conocidoThey had known
You (plural) had known

Future perfect

In the future perfect tense, conocer communicates that someone will have met a person or known a place by or before a specific time frame in the future. These conjugations also allow you to talk about what or whom someone might have known. 

For instance: En unos días, habré conocido a toda la familia de mi novio. 

YoHabré conocidoI will have known
Habrás conocidoYou will have known
Él / Ella
Habrá conocidoHe/She will have known
You (formal) will have known
NosotrosHabremos conocidoWe will have known
VosotrosHabréis conocidoYou will have known
Ellos / Ellas
Habrán conocidoThey will have known
You (plural) will have known

Conditional perfect

Use conocer in the conditional perfect tense to say that someone would have known a place or met a person if a past condition had been fulfilled. For example: Si hubieras venido, habrías conocido a mi novia.

YoHabría conocidoI would have known
Habrías conocidoYou would have known
Él / Ella
Habría conocidoHe/She would have known
You (formal) would have known
NosotrosHabríamos conocidoWe would have known
VosotrosHabríais conocidoYou would have known
Ellos / Ellas
Habrían conocidoThey would have known
You (plural) would have known

Progressive tenses

The progressive tenses in Spanish are formed by using estar conjugations and conocer’s present participle form. Use these forms to indicate that a person is meeting someone or becoming familiar with a place at the moment of speaking. Mi mamá está conociendo a mis amigos. 

Progressive TenseFormulaTranslation Example
PresentEstar (present) + conociendoI am knowing
PreteriteEstar (preterite) + conociendoYou were knowing
ImperfectEstar (imperfect) + conociendoHe was knowing
FutureEstar (future) + conociendoWe will be knowing
ConditionalEstar (conditional) + conociendoThey would be knowing

Conocer Subjunctive Conjugations

In Spanish, the subjunctive tenses are used to refer to wishes, requests, suggestions, expectations, doubts, or hypothetical situations. In the sections below, you’ll find conocer conjugation charts for the most common subjunctive tenses. 

Present subjunctive

Conocer subjunctive conjugations have a -CER to ZC change for all subject pronouns to keep pronunciation consistent. When conjugated to the subjunctive tense, conocer is used to wish or request someone to meet another person or place. 

For example: Quiero que conozcan a mi esposo.

YoConozcaI know
ConozcasYou know
Él / Ella
ConozcaHe/She knows
You (formal) know
NosotrosConozcamosWe know
VosotrosConozcáisYou know
Ellos / Ellas
ConozcanThey know
You (plural) know

Present perfect subjunctive

Haber conjugated to the present subjunctive + conocido (past participle) is the structure to form the present perfect subjunctive. Use these conjugations to wonder, express doubt, or wish that someone has already met or known a person or place. 

For instance: Dudo que hayan conocido a la maestra Cristina.

YoHaya conocidoI have known
Hayas conocidoYou have known
Él / Ella
Haya conocidoHe/She has known
You (formal) have known
NosotrosHayamos conocidoWe have known
VosotrosHayáis conocidoYou have known
Ellos / Ellas
Hayan conocidoThey have known
You (plural) have known

Imperfect subjunctive

In the imperfect subjunctive, conocer allows you to discuss past suggestions, requests, and wishes related to someone knowing a place or person. For example: Me hubiera gustado que conocieras a mi mejor amiga. 

Depending on whether you speak Latin American or Castilian Spanish, the imperfect subjunctive tense has two conjugation models:

Latin American Spanish version

YoConocieraI knew
ConocierasYou knew
Él / Ella
ConocieraHe/She knew
You (formal) knew
NosotrosConociéramosWe knew
Ellos / Ellas
ConocieranThey knew
You (plural) knew

Note: In Latin American Spanish, the subject pronoun ‘vosotros’ is not used. As a result, the conocer conjugation for that ‘vosotros’ has been omitted from the chart above. 

Castilian Spanish version

YoConocieseI knew
ConociesesYou knew
Él / Ella
ConocieseHe/She knew
You (formal) knew
NosotrosConociésemosWe knew
VosotrosConocieseisYou knew
Ellos / Ellas
ConociesenThey knew
You (plural) knew

Past perfect subjunctive

Conocer past perfect subjunctive conjugations express that someone would have known a person or place if a past circumstance or condition had taken place. We can also use these forms to express regrets about knowing a person.  

For example: Ojalá nunca te hubiera conocido. 

YoHubiera conocidoI had known
Hubieras conocidoYou had known
Él / Ella
Hubiera conocidoHe/She had known
You (formal) had known
NosotrosHubiéramos conocidoWe had known
VosotrosHubierais conocidoYou had known
Ellos / Ellas
Hubieran conocidoThey had known
You (plural) had known

Conocer Imperative Conjugations

The Spanish imperative mood or commands are used to instruct people to perform or not perform an action.

Affirmative commands

Conocer affirmative imperative conjugations have a -CER to -ZC change for the third-person singular and plural. Check these forms in the conocer conjugation chart below. These commands are used to compel people to know a place or person. 

For example: Antes de que la juzgues, conócela. 


Negative commands

The negative imperative of conocer is formed with the stem conozc. Even though these forms can be used to order someone not to meet a person or become familiar with a place, they’re not very common in conversations. 

No conozcasDon’t meet
UstedNo conozcaDon’t meet
VosotrosNo conozcáisDon’t meet
UstedesNo conozcanDon’t meet

Meanings of Conocer & Examples

Since we’ve just learned how to conjugate conocer, here are some examples of how to apply this verb to your Spanish conversations.

  1. Talking about meeting/knowing someone 

(Object pronoun) + [conocer conjugated] + a + (noun)

Creo que no la conozco. ¿Cómo se llama?
I don’t think I know her. What’s her name?

En unos días, conoceremos a nuestros vecinos.
We will meet our neighbors in a few days.

Take Note: Use direct object pronouns in Spanish to replace the person someone knows. However, if you’re expressing that two people know each other, you should use reflexive pronouns to convey reciprocity. 

  1. Expressing your familiarity with a place 

[Conocer conjugated] + [determiner] + [noun]

¿Ya conocen este restaurante?
Do you guys already know this restaurant?

No conocía esta canción, es muy bonita.
I didn’t know this song; it’s very nice.

Take Note: Because they’re both translated as ‘to know’, conocer and the verb saber are usually confused. However, you should take the time to understand how saber vs conocer work

Download Conocer Conjugation Charts & Uses Cheat sheet

Conocer is a must-know -ER verb in Spanish as it’s used on a daily basis. It can also be tricky for Spanish beginners to learn to conjugate since it’s a stem-changing verb. I’ve created a cheat sheet PDF you can download containing the conocer conjugation charts as well as its definitions and example uses so you can refer back to it when you need to.

Practice Quiz: Conocer Conjugation

Now that you’ve seen how to conjugate this important -ER verb, the next step is to take the conocer conjugation practice quiz. You can choose which tenses to practice and learn its stem changes.

Daniela Sanchez

¡Hola! Soy Daniela Sanchez, I've been studying Spanish professionally as well as teaching it in Mexico and online for over 10 years. I’ve taught Spanish to a wide array of foreigners from many backgrounds. Over the years, I've made it my mission to work hard on refining many challenging to understand grammar topics to make my students' learning experiences easier, faster and more enjoyable. Read More About Me

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