Comprar Conjugation 101: Conjugate Comprar in Spanish

Comprar is a common regular verb that can help you understand the conjugation pattern of -AR verbs. Since this is a necessary verb for daily life interactions, in this guide, you’ll learn the most important conjugations of comprar.

Take Note: There are many tenses in Spanish. However, we don’t use them all. Many are simply old and outdated. As a result, in this guide, you’ll only learn the tenses you need to know to become fluent in Spanish. 

Overview of Comprar

Verb CharacteristicProperty
Verb Type-AR’.
Gerund (Present Participle) FormComprando
Past Participle FormComprado
SynonymsAdquirir, obtener, sobornar.

Indicative Conjugations of Comprar

Present tense

Comprar in the present tense refers to things you regularly buy or things you purchase in the present. For instance, aquí compro la verdura.

YoComproI buy
ComprasYou buy
Él / Ella
CompraHe/She buys
You (formal) buy
NosotrosCompramosWe buy
VosotrosCompráisYou buy
Ellos / Ellas
CompranThey buy
You (plural) buy

Preterite tense

The preterite form of comprar is used to talk about products or things someone bought at a specific moment in the past. Te compré estas flores.

YoCompréI bought
ComprasteYou bought
Él / Ella
CompróHe/She  bought
You (formal)  bought
NosotrosCompramosWe bought
VosotrosComprasteisYou bought
Ellos / Ellas
CompraronThey bought
You (plural)  bought

Imperfect tense

 The imperfect conjugation of comprar refers to things you used to buy or bought at some point in the past. For example, mis hermanos y yo comprábamos muchos dulces. Depending on the sentence, in the imperfect tense, ‘comprar’ can be translated as ‘used to buy’ or ‘bought’.

YoComprabaI bought
I used to buy
ComprabasYou bought 
You use to buy
Él / Ella
ComprabaHe/She bought
He/She used to buy

You (formal)
You (formal) used to buy
NosotrosComprábamosWe bought 
We used to buy
VosotrosComprabaisYou bought 
You used to buy
Ellos / Ellas
ComprabanThey bought  
They used to buy

You (plural) bought
You (plural) used to buy

Near future

 In the near future, comprar refers to things you currently plan to buy soon in the future. Mañana voy a comprar un reloj nuevo.

YoVoy a comprarI’m going to buy
Vas a comprarYou’re going to buy
Él / Ella
Va a comprarHe/She is going to buy
You (formal) are going to buy
NosotrosVamos a comprarWe’re going to buy
VosotrosVais a comprarYou’re going to buy
Ellos / Ellas
Van a comprarThey’re going to buy
You (plural) are going to buy

Future simple tense

The future simple communicates that someone will buy a product or service at some point in the future. The future forms of comprar are all regular. For instance, algún día compraré ese coche.

YoCompraréI will buy
ComprarásYou will buy
Él / Ella
CompraráHe/She will buy
You (formal) will buy
NosotrosCompraremosWe will buy
VosotrosCompraréisYou (formal) will buy
Ellos / Ellas
CompraránThey will buy
You (plural) will buy

Conditional tense

 The conditional form of ‘comprar’ conveys that someone would buy something if certain circumstances are met. For example: si pudiera, compraría ese coche.

YoCompraríaI would buy
CompraríasYou would buy
Él / Ella
CompraríaHe/She would buy
You (formal) would buy
NosotrosCompraríamosWe would buy
VosotrosCompraríaisYou would buy
Ellos / Ellas
CompraríanThey would buy
You (plural) would buy

Present perfect tense

The present perfect conjugation of ‘comprar is formed with the verb ‘haber’ and comprado (the past participle form of ‘comprar’). The present perfect implies that you have or haven’t bought something in a moment close to the present. For instance, ¿no has comprado los boletos?

YoHe compradoI have bought
Has compradoYou have bought
Él / Ella
Ha compradoHe/She has bought
You (formal) have bought
NosotrosHemos compradoWe have bought
VosotrosHabéis compradoYou have bought
Ellos / Ellas
Han compradoThey have bought
You (plural) have bought

Past perfect

To conjugate the past perfect tense of ‘contar’, you need to use the imperfect form of haber + contado, which is the past participle form of ‘contar’. In this tense, ‘hablar’ can express that you bought something before some other reference point in the past. For example: pensé que ya habías comprado los boletos.

YoHabía compradoI had bought
Habías compradoYou had bought
Él / Ella
Había compradoHe/She had bought
You (formal) had bought
NosotrosHabíamos compradoWe had bought
VosotrosHabíais compradoYou had bought
Ellos / Ellas
Habían compradoThey had bought
You (plural) had bought

Future perfect

The future perfect of ‘comprar’ is built with the formula future form of haber + comprado. With this tense, ‘comprar’ expresses that someone will buy something by or before a certain time in the future. Creo que a esa hora ya habré comprado los boletos.

YoHabré compradoI will have bought
Habrás compradoYou will have bought
Él / Ella
Habrá compradoHe/She will have bought
You (formal) will have bought
NosotrosHabremos compradoWe will have bought
VosotrosHabréis compradoYou will have bought
Ellos / Ellas
Habrán compradoThey will have bought
You (plural) will have bought

Conditional perfect

The conditional perfect of comprar refers to things you would have bought if a condition was met. For example, si hubiera sabido que venías, habría comprado más comida.

YoHabría compradoI would have bought
Habrías compradoYou would have bought
Él / Ella
Habría compradoHe/She would have bought
You (formal) would have bought
NosotrosHabríamos compradoWe would have bought
VosotrosHabríais compradoYou would have bought
Ellos / Ellas
Habrían compradoThey would have bought
You (plural) would have bought

Progressive tenses

Progressive tenses are used to talk about actions that are in progress at the moment of speaking. In other words, we use ‘comprar’ to express that someone is buying something right now. For instance, Cindy está comprando pollo. These tenses are formed with estar (conjugated) + comprando.

Progressive TenseFormulaTranslation Example
PresentEstar (present) + comprandoI am buying
PreteriteEstar (preterite) + comprandoYou were buying
ImperfectEstar (imperfect) + comprandoHe was buying
FutureEstar (future) + comprandoWe will be buying
ConditionalEstar (conditional) + comprandoThey would be buying

Comprar Subjunctive Conjugations

Since it’s a regular verb, the subjunctive conjugations of comprar are formed by adding the corresponding subjunctive endings to the stem compr-. The subjunctive mood refers to wishes, suggestions, requests, and hypothetical situations.

Present subjunctive

The present subjunctive conjugations of comprar are used to talk about wishes, hopes, requests, and hypothetical situations. For example: tu mamá quiere que compremos más comida.

YoCompreI buy
CompresYou buy
Él / Ella
CompreHe/She buys
You (formal) buy
NosotrosCompremosWe buy
VosotrosCompréisYou buy
Ellos / Ellas
ComprenThey buy
You (plural) buy

Present perfect subjunctive

Haber in the present subjunctive + comprado is the structure you must use to build the present perfect subjunctive form of ‘comprar. For example, espero que Juan haya comprado más chocolates.

YoHaya compradoI have bought
Hayas compradoYou have bought
Él / Ella
Haya compradoHe/She has bought
You (formal) has bought
NosotrosHayamos compradoWe have bought
VosotrosHayáis compradoYou have bought
Ellos / Ellas
Hayan compradoThey have bought
You (plural) have bought

Imperfect subjunctive

The imperfect subjunctive of ‘comprar’ refers to past wishes, requests, or hypothetical situations. For example, si comprara este carro, me quedaría sin dinero. 

In Spanish, the imperfect subjunctive has two conjugation models:

Latin American Spanish version

YoCompraraI bought
ComprarasYou bought
Él / Ella
CompraraHe/She bought
You (formal) bought
NosotrosCompráramosWe bought
Ellos / Ellas
CompraranThey bought
You (plural) bought

Note: The table above doesn’t include the conjugation for vosotros because this pronoun is not used in Latin American Spanish.

Castilian Spanish version

YoCompraseI bought
ComprasesYou bought
Él / Ella
CompraseHe/She bought
You (formal) bought
NosotrosComprásemosWe bought
VosotrosCompraseisYou bought
Ellos / Ellas
ComprasenThey bought
You (plural) bought

Past perfect subjunctive

The past perfect subjunctive of ‘comprar’ talks about things you wish you bought or the hypothetical outcomes if you had bought something. For instance: ¡lo hubieras comprado!

YoHubiera compradoI had bought
Hubieras compradoYou had bought
Él / Ella
Hubiera compradoHe/She had bought
You (formal) had bought
NosotrosHubiéramos compradoWe had bought
VosotrosHubierais compradoYou had bought
Ellos / Ellas
Hubieran compradoThey had bought
You (plural) had bought

Comprar Imperative Conjugations

The imperative mood is used to give people instructions on what to do (affirmative commands) or not do (negative commands).

Affirmative commands

The affirmative imperative of ‘comprar’ is used to command people to buy something. For instance: compra dos litros de leche.


Negative commands

Notice that the negative imperative of ‘comprar’ uses the same conjugations as the present subjunctive. These negative commands can be used to order people not to buy something. Por favor, no compren más dulces.

No compresDon’t buy
UstedNo compreDon’t buy
VosotrosNo compréisDon’t buy
UstedesNo comprenDon’t buy

Meanings of Comprar & Examples

Now that you’ve learned all the conjugations of comprar, check the following examples to see how to apply this verb into your conversations.  

  1. Talking about purchases

¿Cuándo van a comprar los boletos?
When are you buying the tickets?

Espero que hayamos comprado suficiente comida. 
I hope we have bought enough food. 

Si sacan buenas calificaciones, les compraré un juguete. 
If you guys have good grades, I’ll buy you a toy. 

Take Note: Comprar is a common transitive verb. In other words, this verb can work with direct object pronouns (to talk about what you buy) and indirect object pronouns (to explain to or for whom you buy something). 

  1. Referring to bribes

El equipo compró al árbitro. 
The team bribed the referee. 

Es obvio que el partido está comprado
It’s obvious that the game is bought off

Take Note: Some verbs in past participle form can also be used as adjectives. Those verbs work with estar to provide information about a person or object. 

Download Comprar Conjugation Tables & Uses Cheat sheets

I’ve created a PDF for you to download containing all of the conjugation tables, verb characteristics, and uses so you can study it at your own pace!

Practice Quiz: Comprar Conjugation

Put your skills to the test by taking our comprar quiz and practice conjugating this verb in all of the tenses listed above.

Daniela Sanchez

¡Hola! Soy Daniela Sanchez, I've been studying Spanish professionally as well as teaching it in Mexico and online for over 10 years. I’ve taught Spanish to a wide array of foreigners from many backgrounds. Over the years, I've made it my mission to work hard on refining many challenging to understand grammar topics to make my students' learning experiences easier, faster and more enjoyable. Read More About Me

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