List of Spanish Verbs: 85 Common Spanish Verbs + Tips

A verb is the type of word that describes an action or state of being. Simply put, these words express what someone or something is doing or how that person or thing is. Since they’re essential to conversations, I’ve compiled a list of the most common Spanish verbs. 

Here is a summary of what you’ll learn:

This guide includes a list of Spanish verbs, each with a conjugation guide and quiz so you get to practice and improve your conjugations. You can access these resources by clicking on the linked name of the verb. 

List of Most Common Spanish Verbs

Although the 10 verbs you learned in the previous section are key for conversations, there are other common verbs you should add to your vocabulary. 

This compilation has been classified into:

  • Regular: the root doesn’t change, and we use the appropriate endings for -AR, -ER, or -IR verbs. 
  • Stem-changing: the root has a minor spelling change to keep the pronunciation, and then we use regular verb endings.
  • Irregular: the root changes and we may use different endings. 
graphic showing the differences between regular, irregular and stem changing verbs in Spanish

Here is a list of Spanish verbs you should know: 

VerbTranslationTypeConjugation Quiz
AbrirTo openRegularTake Abrir Quiz
AndarTo walk / To BeIrregularTake Andar Quiz
ApagarTo turn offStem-changingTake Apagar Quiz
AprenderTo learnRegularTake Aprender Quiz
AsistirTo help / To attendRegularTake Asistir Quiz
AyudarTo helpRegularTake Ayudar Quiz
BailarTo danceRegularTake Bailar Quiz
BeberTo drinkRegularTake Beber Quiz
BuscarTo searchStem-changingTake Buscar Quiz
CaerTo fallStem-changingTake Caer Quiz
CambiarTo changeRegularTake Cambiar Quiz
CaminarTo walkRegularTake Caminar Quiz
CantarTo singRegularTake Cantar Quiz
CerrarTo closeStem-changingTake Cerrar Quiz
CocinarTo cookRegularTake Cocinar Quiz
ComenzarTo startStem-changingTake Comenzar Quiz
ComerTo eatRegularTake Comer Quiz
ComprarTo BuyRegularTake Comprar Quiz
ComprenderTo understandRegularTake Comprender Quiz
ConocerTo know / To meetStem-changingTake Conocer Quiz
ConducirTo driveStem-changingTake Conducir Quiz
ContarTo count / To tellStem-changingTake Contar Quiz
ContestarTo answerRegularTake Contestar Quiz
CorrerTo runRegularTake Correr Quiz
CostarTo costStem-changingTake Costar Quiz
CreerTo believeStem-changingTake Creer Quiz
DarTo giveIrregularTake Dar Quiz
DecirTo sayIrregularTake Decir Quiz
DeberTo owe / MustRegularTake Deber Quiz
DejarTo leaveRegularTake Dejar Quiz
DesearTo wishRegularTake Desear Quiz
DespertarseTo wake upStem-changingTake Despertarse Quiz
DormirTo sleepStem-changingTake Dormir Quiz
EmpezarTo startStem-changingTake Empezar Quiz
EncontrarTo findStem-changingTake Encontrar Quiz
EntenderTo understandStem-changingTake Entender Quiz
EntrarTo enter / To go inRegularTake Entrar Quiz
EnviarTo sendRegularTake Enviar Quiz
EscribirTo writeRegularTake Escribir Quiz
EscucharTo listenRegularTake Escuchar Quiz
EsperarTo wait / To hopeRegularTake Esperar Quiz
EstarTo beIrregularTake Estar Quiz
EstudiarTo studyRegularTake Estudiar Quiz
GustarTo likeRegularTake Gustar Quiz
HaberTo haveIrregularTake Haber Quiz
HablarTo speakRegularTake Hablar Quiz
HacerTo do / To makeIrregularTake Hacer Quiz
IrTo goIrregularTake Ir Quiz
JugarTo playStem-changingTake Jugar Quiz
LavarTo washRegularTake Lavar Quiz
LeerTo readStem-changingTake Leer Quiz
LevantarseTo get up / To wake upRegularTake Levantarse Quiz
LlevarTo takeRegularTake Llevar Quiz
NecesitarTo needRegularTake Necesitar Quiz
OírTo hear / To listenIrregularTake Oír Quiz
PagarTo payStem-changingTake Pagar Quiz
PararTo stopRegularTake Parar Quiz
ParecerTo seemStem-changingTake Parecer Quiz
PasarTo passRegularTake Pasar Quiz
PedirTo askStem-changingTake Pedir Quiz
PensarTo thinkStem-changingTake Pensar Quiz
PerderTo loseStem-changingTake Perder Quiz
PoderTo can / To be ableIrregularTake Poder Quiz
PonerTo putIrregularTake Poner Quiz
PreferirTo preferStem-changingTake Preferir Quiz
ProbarTo try / To tasteStem-changingTake Probar Quiz
QuererTo wantIrregularTake Querer Quiz
RecordarTo rememberStem-changingTake Recordar Quiz
RepetirTo repeatStem-changingTake Repetir Quiz
SaberTo knowIrregularTake Saber Quiz
SacarTo take outStem-changingTake Sacar Quiz
SalirTo leave / To exitIrregularTake Salir Quiz
SeguirTo followStem-changingTake Seguir Quiz
SerTo beIrregularTake Ser Quiz
TocarTo touch / To playStem-changingTake Tocar Quiz
TomarTo takeRegularTake Tomar Quiz
TenerTo haveIrregularTake Tener Quiz
TrabajarTo workRegularTake Trabajar Quiz
TraerTo bringIrregularTake Traer Quiz
UsarTo use / To wearRegularTake Usar Quiz
VenirTo comeIrregularTake Venir Quiz
VerTo see / To watchIrregularTake Ver Quiz
VestirseTo get dressedRegularTake Vestirse Quiz
ViajarTo travelRegularTake Viajar Quiz
VivirTo liveRegularTake Vivir Quiz
VolverTo returnStem-changingTake Volver Quiz

Take Note: Some of these verbs may have a reflexive form to convey that the subject acts upon itself. However, not all verbs in Spanish can be reflexive. 

Basic Spanish Verbs 

In this section, you’ll find the key verbs for Spanish conversations. Remember to click on the link to check additional information about each verb. Be aware that the majority of verbs in this list are irregular. 

What’s the difference between regular and irregular verbs?

Regular Spanish verbs have a root that remains unchanged regardless of the tense used. On the other hand, the root of an irregular verb undergoes significant changes and, in some cases, their endings may also be affected. 

Because they follow a clear conjugation pattern, regular verbs are easier to learn. In the graphic below, you can see a regular vs irregular verb. 

conjugation chart showing the differences between a regular and irregular verb in spanish

Ser – To Be

The verb ser in Spanish is used to describe people, things, and places, and to form the passive voice

YoSoy Fui
Él / EllaUstedEsFue
Ellos / EllasUstedesSonFueron

For example: 

Norma es doctora. 
Norma is a doctor. 

Las vendedoras fueron muy amables. 
The salespeople were very nice. 

Estar – To Be

Estar is also the equivalent of the English verb ‘to be’. However, in Spanish, estar is only used to refer to location, emotional or physical states and to create the present progressive tense

Él / EllaUstedEstáEstuvo
Ellos / EllasUstedesEstánEstuvieron

Here are some sentences: 

La tienda está a dos cuadras. 
The store is two blocks away. 

Estuvimos ocupados todo el día. 
We were busy all day. 

Tener – To have

The verb tener is an irregular verb that expresses age, possession, and symptoms. 

Él / EllaUstedTieneTuvo
VosotrosTenéis Tuvisteis 
Ellos / EllasUstedesTienenTuvieron

For instance: 

Eugenio tiene dos perros.
Eugenio has two dogs. 

Lo siento, no tuve tiempo. 
I’m sorry, I didn’t have time. 

Take Note: Although it’s the equivalent of ‘to have’, in Spanish, tener is not used to build compound tenses. In such cases, we must use the verb haber

Haber – To Have

In Spanish, haber is an auxiliary verb used to form compound tenses, such as the present perfect and past perfect tense

Él / EllaUstedHaHubo
Ellos / EllasUstedesHanHubieron

Here is an example: 

¿Has visto esta película?
Have you seen this movie?

No he comido nada. 
I have not eaten anything. 

Take Note: The verb haber in Spanish also has an impersonal form. Hay is used to talk about existence. 

Hacer – To Do / To Make

Use hacer to talk about the activities people do or make. Keep in mind that hacer is one of the most common irregular verbs in Spanish. 

Él / EllaUstedHaceHizo
Ellos / EllasUstedesHacenHicieron


¿Qué hicieron ayer?
What did you guys do yesterday?

Elaine hace unas galletas riquísimas. 
Elaine makes some delicious cookies. 

Take Note: Use the impersonal form hace to talk about the weather in Spanish

Ir – To Go

Like in English, the verb ir in Spanish conveys that a person is going somewhere. You can also use it to form the near future tense

Él / EllaUstedVa Fue
Ellos / EllasUstedesVanFueron

¿A dónde fue tu mamá?
Where did your mom go?

Suzanne va a irse en unas horas. 
Suzanne is leaving in a few hours. 

Querer – To want

Use this verb to express things or activities you wish to do. Since it has different irregularities, you should check querer conjugation patterns

Él / EllaUstedQuiereQuiso
Ellos / EllasUstedesQuierenQuisieron

Here are some sentences: 

¿Qué quieren hacer?
What do you guys want to do?

La niña no quiso ningún dulce. 
The girl didn’t want any candies. 

Gustar – To like

In Spanish, gustar is only used to talk about activities someone likes to do or to express physical attraction towards someone. Here you can check how to conjugate this verb. 

Person PresentPreterite
A míMe gusta / gustanMe gustó / gustaron
A tiTe gusta / gustanTe gustó / gustaron
A él / A ellaA ustedLe gusta / gustanLe gustó / gustaron
A nosotrosNos gusta / gustanNos gustó / gustaron
A vosotrosOs gusta / gustanOs gustó / gustaron
A ellos / A ellasA ustedesLes gustan / gustanLes gustó / gustaron

A Gabriel le gustan los gatos. 
Gabriel likes cats. 

No nos gustó la película.
We didn’t like the movie. 

Take Note: In Spanish, there are other verbs like gustar that follow this conjugation pattern. 

Poder – Can / To be able to

The irregular verb poder is used to talk about the activities people can or cannot do. To complete its meaning, you must use infinitive verbs

Él / EllaUstedPuedePudo
Ellos / EllasUstedesPuedenPudieron

¿Puedes hablar más despacio?
Can you speak slower?

Joseph no pudo arreglar su carro. 
Joseph wasn’t able to fix his car. 

Dar – To give

On top of communicating that someone gives something to another person, dar in Spanish can also be used to talk about the emotions something causes in you. 

Él / EllaUstedDaDio
Ellos / EllasUstedesDanDieron

Here are some examples: 

Juan me dio una manzana. 
Juan gave me an apple. 

¿Cuánto tiempo les dieron?
How much time did they give you?

Take Note: This verb follows the same conjugation pattern as ‘gustar’ when expressing emotions’. As a transitive verb, dar works with indirect and direct object pronouns

Bonus: Tips to Learn Verbs

Spanish verbs are crucial because they allow you to explain what the action is. Here are some easy tips you can follow to learn this type of vocabulary: 

  • Focus on key verbs for your conversations: Instead of trying to memorize as many words as possible, you should take the time to choose verbs that you will likely use daily. The verbs in this article are a good starting point because they relate to common situations. 
  • Practice: If you learn a new verb, you must practice it as much as possible. Ideally, you should try to include it in your conversations. However, you can also write sentences in different tenses, use flashcards, or practice their conjugation. 
  • Learn opposite verbs: This is what I call the Opposite Method and the idea is very simple. Our brain is very good at thinking in opposites (blanco, negro, arriba, abajo). So, when you learn a verb, take the time to learn its antonym because you’re likely going to need it – Prende la luz y apágala cuando termines. Finding these connections can make your learning process more significant. 

Extra Resources to Master Verbs in Spanish

Now that you know the most common verbs in Spanish, here are your next steps. 

  • Irregular Verbs Guide: Find more information about irregulars and some tips to conjugate these verbs. 
  • Stem-changing Verbs: There are more stem-changing verbs than irregulars. In this guide, you’ll find the most common spelling changes in Spanish. 
  • Types of Verbs: In Spanish, a verb can play different roles inside of a sentence or may work with different elements. Understanding different types of verbs will help you use these words more effectively. 
  • Spanish Moods: A Spanish verb also conveys how an action is perceived. Using the imperative, indicative, or subjunctive mood will change what you say. So, take the time to understand how moods in Spanish work. 

Download the PDF with the Most Common Verbs in Spanish

Now that you’ve learned the most common Spanish verbs that beginners need to master to become fluent in Spanish, you know that you’ll probably need a refresher. Click the button below to download a copy of the PDF for this guide. It contains the list verbs above as well as the fundamentals of Spanish verb conjugation.

Daniela Sanchez

¡Hola! Soy Daniela Sanchez, I've been studying Spanish professionally as well as teaching it in Mexico and online for over 10 years. I’ve taught Spanish to a wide array of foreigners from many backgrounds. Over the years, I've made it my mission to work hard on refining many challenging to understand grammar topics to make my students' learning experiences easier, faster and more enjoyable. Read More About Me

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graphic showing the differences between regular, irregular and stem changing verbs in Spanish
conjugation chart showing the differences between a regular and irregular verb in spanish