Tan vs tanto are easily confused in Spanish. To help you practice this set of words, I’ve prepared this tan vs tanto practice quiz. Here is what you have to do.
You’ll be given 10 incomplete sentences. Based on the information provided, choose the correct option. Easy, right? If you need extra help, you can check this guide on the differences between tan and tanto.
Ellie te quiere ______.
Ellie loves you so much
- A tan
- B tanto
- C tantos
This example is measuring how much Ellie loves you. Since it’s used to express the amount or magnitude of an action, tanto is the right answer in this case.
¿Por qué tienes _____ chocolates?
Why do you have so many chocolates?
- A tantos
- B tan
- C tantas
We use tantos because we’re measuring the amount of chocolates we have. Chocolates is a masculine plural noun, as a result, tantos matches this information.
No comas _____.
Don’t eat too much.
- A tanta
- B tan
- C tanto
In Spanish, we use tanto to express the intensity or magnitude of an action, in this case, eating. With this application, tanto always works in the singular masculine form.
La película fue _____ aburrida.
The movie was so boring.
- A tanto
- B tanta
- C tan
Tan is used to intensify the characteristics of a person or thing. In this example, we use tan to emphasize that the movie was boring.
Ally y Sonia son ____ divertidas como tú.
Ally and Sonia are as fun as you.
- A tan
- B tanta
- C tantas
This example is trying to compare the characteristics between a group of people. Because these characteristics are provided by an adjective, we must use the adverb tan.
Ally y Sonia tienen ____ camisas rosas como yo.
Ally and Sonia have as many pink shirts as me.
- A tanto
- B tan
- C tantas
In this example, we’re comparing the amount of pink shirts Ally, Sonia, and I have. Since shirts is a plural feminine noun, in this case, the word tantas is the correct option to express quantity.
Alberto come ____ como ustedes.
Alberto eats as much as you guys.
- A tanto
- B tantos
- C tan
In Spanish, we can also use comparisons to compare the intensity or magnitude of an action performed by two or more people. These comparisons are made with tanto, which is the right answer in this example since we’re trying to compare people’s eating habits.
¿Qué ____ bueno es este restaurante?
How good is this restaurant?
- A tan
- B tantos
- C tanto
Tan is the correct answer in this example because we’re inquiring how good (quality) the place is. Because it’s emphasizing a quality, tan doesn’t change to mark gender or number.
Yo no soy _____ divertida como Alice.
I’m not as fun as Alice.
- A tanto
- B tanta
- C tan
This comparison establishes that Alice and I are not equally fun. Since ‘fun’ is a quality, we must use the adverb tan to make comparisons.
Yo no tengo ______ paciencia como Alice.
I don’t have as much patience as Alice.
- A tantos
- B tan
- C tanta
This sentence is comparing the amount of patience Alice and I have. Because we’re measuring the amount of a singular feminine noun, the correct answer is tanta.
Quiz Results
Question | Answer Given | Correct Answer | |
Ellie te quiere ______. | |||
¿Por qué tienes _____ chocolates? | |||
No comas _____. | |||
La película fue _____ aburrida. | |||
Ally y Sonia son ____ divertidas como tú. | |||
Ally y Sonia tienen ____ camisas rosas como yo. | |||
Alberto come ____ como ustedes. | |||
¿Qué ____ bueno es este restaurante? | |||
Yo no soy _____ divertida como Alice. | |||
Yo no tengo ______ paciencia como Alice. |