¿Ya (tú) _________ a tu hermano? Se les va a hacer tarde.
Did you already wake up your brother? You’re going to be late.
- A despertaste
- B despertar
- C despertó
- D te despertaste
With non-reflexive verbs, the object (person or thing receiving the action, ‘your brother’) and subject (person performing the action ‘you’) are different entities. In these sentences, the object is introduced by the preposition ‘a’.
¡Ya vamos a comer! ¡__________ las manos, niñas!
We are going to eat now! Wash your hands, girls!
- A Lavar
- B Lávense
- C Laven
- D Lava
Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (girls) is performing the action on/upon themselves. ‘Lávense’ is the plural form of the imperative form. When it’s in the imperative form, the reflexive verb and the reflexive pronoun become one word.
¿A qué hora _________ ayer, Leah?
What time did you wake up yesterday?
- A despertó
- B te despertaste
- C despertaron
- D despertar
Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (you) is performing the action on/upon itself. ‘Te despertaste’ is the preterite conjugation of ‘tú’.
Mi hermana _____ a su bebé todas las mañanas
My sister baths her baby every morning
- A se baña
- B bañó
- C bañamos
- D baña
With non-reflexive verbs, the object (person or thing receiving the action, ‘my sister’) and subject (person performing the action, ‘the baby’) are different entities. In this sentence, the object is introduced by the preposition ‘a’.
Ustedes tardan mucho para ______
You guys take a long time to bathe
- A se bañan
- B nos bañamos
- C bañar
- D bañarse
Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (you guys) is performing the action on/upon themselves. When being in the infinitive form, the reflexive verb and the reflexive pronoun become one word. However, the pronoun still needs to match the subject of the sentence.
¿Puedes _______ tu bolsa?
Can you move your bag?
- A mueves
- B mover
- C se mueve
- D movemos
Non-reflexive verbs can have a direct or indirect object. An indirect object is introduced by ‘a’ and a direct object just follows the verb and may be introduced by an article or possessive pronoun. When having two verbs, the second verb is always in infinitive form.
Darío no _________ hoy
Dario didn’t shave today
- A se afeita
- B se afeitó
- C afeitarse
- D afeitó
Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (Dario) is performing the action on/upon himself. ‘Se afeitó’ is the preterite conjugation of ‘él’.
Todas las mañanas yo _______ a mi hermanita
Every morning I dress my little sister
- A se viste
- B visto
- C vestir
- D vestí
With non-reflexive verbs, the object (person or thing receiving the action, ‘I’) and subject (person performing the action, ‘sister’) are different entities. In these sentences, the object is introduced by the preposition ‘a’. ‘Visto’ is the conjugation of ‘yo’ in the present tense.
¡(Tú, command) _____ tu cosas en la mesa!
Put your things on the table!
- A Pon
- B Ponemos
- C Poner
- D Pondrá
Non-reflexive verbs can have a direct or indirect object. An indirect object is introduced by ‘a’ and a direct object just follows the verb and may be introduced by an article or possessive pronoun. ‘Pon’ is the conjugation of ‘tú’ in the imperative form.
¡Niños! (Usted, command) ______ los zapatos
Have you kids put your shoes on?
- A se pusieron
- B poner
- C se ponen
- D pónganse
Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (the kids) is performing the action on/upon themselves. ‘Lávense’ is the plural form of the imperative form. When it’s in the imperative form, the reflexive verb and the reflexive pronoun become one word.
Mariana ________ en un kinder
Mariana works in a kindergarten
- A trabajar
- B trabajamos
- C trabaja
- D se trabaja
Not all Spanish verbs have a complement (object) because they are able to deliver complete information without the presence of the object. These intransitive verbs never have a reflexive form. ‘Trabaja’ is the conjugation of ‘ella’ in the present tense.
Mañana yo_______ al cine
Tomorrow I will go to the movies
- A iremos
- B iré
- C ir
- D irán
With non-reflexive verbs, the object (person or thing receiving the action) and subject (person performing the action) are different entities. In these sentences, the object is introduced by the preposition ‘a’. ‘Al’ is a contraction of: ‘a + el’.
Mi vecino siempre _______ a su novia
My neighbor always hugs his girlfriend
- A abraza
- B abrazan
- C se abraza
- D abrazar
With non-reflexive verbs, the object (person or thing receiving the action, ‘his girlfriend’) and subject (person performing the action, ‘my neighbor’) are different entities. In these sentences, the object is introduced by the preposition ‘a’.
Ustedes ________ el uniforme blanco
You guys will wear the white uniform
- A poner
- B se pone
- C ponerse
- D se pondrán
Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (‘you guys’) is performing the action on/upon themselves. ‘Se pondrán’ is the future conjugation of ‘ustedes’.
Mañana (yo, present form) ___________ a las siete de la mañana
Tomorrow, I’ll leave at seven in the morning
- A vas
- B se van
- C voy
- D me iré
Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (me) is performing the action on/upon myself. ‘Me iré’ is the conjugation of ‘yo’ in the present tense. Notice that sometimes non-reflexive verbs and their reflexive forms have different meanings.
Quiz Results
Question | Answer Given | Correct Answer | |
¿Ya (tú) _________ a tu hermano? Se les va a hacer tarde. | |||
¡Ya vamos a comer! ¡__________ las manos, niñas! | |||
¿A qué hora _________ ayer, Leah? | |||
Mi hermana _____ a su bebé todas las mañanas | |||
Ustedes tardan mucho para ______ | |||
¿Puedes _______ tu bolsa? | |||
Darío no _________ hoy | |||
Todas las mañanas yo _______ a mi hermanita | |||
¡(Tú, command) _____ tu cosas en la mesa! | |||
¡Niños! (Usted, command) ______ los zapatos | |||
Mariana ________ en un kinder | |||
Mañana yo_______ al cine | |||
Mi vecino siempre _______ a su novia | |||
Ustedes ________ el uniforme blanco | |||
Mañana (yo, present form) ___________ a las siete de la mañana |