Spanish Present Tense Practice

The present indicative tense is not only key for daily communication but also the foundation for more complex tenses. So, in this Spanish present tense practice quiz, you’ll test your conjugation knowledge

You must use the verb shown in its infinitive form, so pay attention to the sentences to identify the proper conjugation.

10 Questions

  • 0 Correct
  • 0 Incorrect
/ 10

 Yo (hablar) español.

I speak Spanish.

In the present indicative tense, regular -ar verbs like "hablar" are conjugated with -o for the first-person singular (yo) form.

(comer) una manzana.

You eat an apple.

Regular -er verbs like "comer" in the present indicative tense use the conjugation ending “-es” for the second-person singular (tú) form.

Él (escribir) una carta.

He writes a letter.

“Escribir” is a regular -ir verb in the Spanish present indicative form. As a result, in the third-person singular (él) you must use the ending -e.

Nosotros (vivir) en una casa.

We live in a house.

For -ir regular verbs, we must use the present ending -imos for ‘nosotros’.

Ustedes (tener) una mascota.

You (plural) have a pet.

In the Spanish present tense, “tener” is a verb with an E to IE stem-changing verb. Since -en is the ending for ‘ustedes’, the correct answer for this example is “tienen”.

Ella (ir) al cine.

She goes to the movies.

The verb "ir" is irregular in the present indicative tense. Although it’s an -ir verb, it uses the conjugation endings of -ar verbs. In this sentence, va is the correct answer.

Vosotros (hacer) la tarea.

You all do the homework.

Hacer is another irregular verb that only affects “yo” in the present tense in Spanish. The conjugation for “vosotros” is “hacéis”.

Ellos (decir) la verdad.

They tell the truth.

The verb “decir” is only irregular for the first person singular (yo). In addition to this, it’s an E to I stem change for all subject pronouns except “nosotros” and “vosotros”. As a result, “dicen” is the right answer in this example. 

Yo (poner) la mesa.

I set the table.

The verb “poner” is irregular for the first person singular (yo). For this conjugation, you must use the stem pong. As a result, the answer is “pongo”.

 Yo (salir) de casa temprano.

I leave home early.

The verb "salir" is irregular in the present indicative tense. However, this irregularity only affects the pronoun “yo”. “Salgo” is the correct conjugation for this subject.

Quiz Results

Question Answer Given Correct Answer
 Yo __________ (hablar) español.
Tú __________ (comer) una manzana.
Él __________ (escribir) una carta.
Nosotros __________ (vivir) en una casa.
Ustedes __________ (tener) una mascota.
Ella __________ (ir) al cine.
Vosotros __________ (hacer) la tarea.
Ellos __________ (decir) la verdad.
Yo __________ (poner) la mesa.
 Yo__________ (salir) de casa temprano.

Spanish Present Tense Practice: Instructions

You’ve been given 15 fill-in-the-blank questions. Your job is to complete these sentences by typing the correct conjugation for each case. You must use the verb shown in its infinitive form, so pay attention to the sentences to identify the proper conjugation. 

Here are some tips: 

  • Pay attention to the ending of the infinitive verb and use the corresponding endings for each type of verb. 
  • Be mindful of irregular verbs. You can check this guide if you don’t remember irregular verbs in the present tense
  • Consider subject-verb agreement. In Spanish, each subject pronoun has its own conjugation ending. So, make sure you type the right answer for the subject pronoun given. 

Notes about the Spanish Present Tense

Here are some notes that can help you through this Spanish present tense quiz:

  • To conjugate a verb in the present indicative tense, you must replace the infinitive ending for the corresponding conjugation ending. 
  • The ending for regular verbs in the present tense are: 
    • AR verbs: -o, -as, -a, -amos, -áis, -an
    • ER verbs: -o, -es, -e, -emos, -éis, -en
    • IR verbs: -o, -es, -e, -imos, -ís, -en 
  • Stem-changing verbs in the present tense are verbs with minor spelling changes. Use the regular endings to conjugate these verbs. 
  • Present irregular verbs have significant changes in their root or conjugation endings. Ser, dar, hacer, poner, and estar are examples of irregular verbs.
  • The Spanish present indicative tense is used to talk about habitual actions or events in the present. 

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