Indirect Object Pronouns Spanish Practice Quiz

Indirect object pronouns in Spanish are used to replace the thing or person affected or benefited by an action. Since they are essential for your communication, this object pronouns quiz will test your knowledge about indirect pronouns. 

Here is what you’ve got to do. You’ve been given 10 questions containing an indirect object. Your job is to complete these sentences by choosing the correct answer from the list of options. Easy, right?

For each question, you will be given a sentence with multiple potential answers. Your job is to choose the correct answer. You can select the answer by clicking on it or using your keyboard to select its corresponding letter (e.g. A, B, C, D, etc.).

10 Questions
Multiple Choice

  • 0 Correct
  • 0 Incorrect
/ 10

Sophie ____ galletas a nosotros.

Sophie prepared us cookies.

  1. A nos preparó
  2. B nos preparar
  3. C les prepararó

A nosotros is the indirect object pronoun in this sentence. The pronoun nos is the correct word to replace this part of the sentence. The indirect object pronoun must be placed before the verb in sentences with a single verb.

¡Sara, ____ el teléfono a tu hermana (imperative)!

Sara, give your sister the phone!

  1. A dale
  2. B le da
  3. C darle

With affirmative commands, indirect object pronouns are always attached to the verb. In this case, we use le because ‘a tu hermana’ is the indirect object pronoun.

A Claudia ____ Tony.

Claudia likes Tony.

  1. A le gustas
  2. B le gusta
  3. C le gustan

Verbs like ‘gustar’ are always conjugated with indirect object pronouns. We use le, because “a Claudia” (third singular person) is the indirect object pronoun in this sentence because she is the one being affected by Tony.

Mis papás ______ por teléfono a mis abuelos.

My parents called my grandparents.

  1. A se hablaron
  2. B le hablaron
  3. C les hablaron

A mis abuelos is the indirect object pronoun in this sentence (who did my parents call?). Les is the indirect object pronoun used in this example.

Los repartidores ___ dieron este paquete a ti.

The delivery guys gave this package to you.

  1. A te
  2. B me
  3. C les

In this sentence, you’re the person being affected or benefiting from the action (receiving a package). As a result, te is the correct answer.

Charlie ____ esas flores a mí.

Charlie gave me those flowers.

  1. A le regaló
  2. B regarlme
  3. C me regaló

A mí is the indirect object in this sentence (to whom Charlie gave the flowers?). The indirect object pronoun is always placed before a conjugated verb in sentences with a single verb. So, in this case, me regaló is the correct answer.

Yo no ____ a mis hermanos.

I haven’t told my brothers.

  1. A he dicholes
  2. B les he dicho
  3. C he le dicho

Indirect object pronouns are always placed in front of haber in present perfect tenses. A mis hermanos is the indirect object pronoun in this sentence. As a result, we must use the pronoun les.

A nosotros _____ el chocolate.

We like chocolate.

  1. A gustarnos
  2. B nos gustan
  3. C nos gusta

Affective verbs always work with indirect object pronouns to express who is, in this case, liking something. Remember that the verb is conjugated based on the subject (the thing causing a feeling). As a result, nos gusta is the right answer.

Chicas, los chocolates _____ a ustedes.

Girls, the chocolates, I bought them for you.

  1. A le los compré
  2. B les compré
  3. C se los compré

With sentences with both third-person direct and indirect object, se must be used to replace le or les (like in this case). So, in this case, se los compré is the right answer.

Yo ___ las manos a la niña.

I wash the girl’s hands.

  1. A les lavo
  2. B se lavo
  3. C le lavo

In this sentence, la niña is the person being affected or benefited by my action (washing her hands). Since la niña is singular, we must use the indirect object pronoun le.

Quiz Results

Question Answer Given Correct Answer
Sophie ____ galletas a nosotros.
¡Sara, ____ el teléfono a tu hermana (imperative)!
A Claudia ____ Tony.
Mis papás ______ por teléfono a mis abuelos.
Los repartidores ___ dieron este paquete a ti.
Charlie ____ esas flores a mí.
Yo no ____ a mis hermanos.
A nosotros _____ el chocolate.
Chicas, los chocolates _____ a ustedes.
Yo ___ las manos a la niña.

Spanish Indirect Object Pronouns Notes

  • Indirect pronouns in Spanish are me, te, le, nos, os, les, and se*. 
  • These Spanish object pronouns replace a person, animal, or thing that is benefited or affected by the verb or by a Spanish direct object. For example, in ‘yo te di los chocolates’,  you’re the person benefiting from this action. 
  • Use the pronoun se when a Spanish sentence has an indirect and direct object for the third-person. 
  • These object pronouns are often combined with verbs like ‘gustar’. 
  • The position of these pronouns varies depending on the mood, number of verbs, and tense.

Additional links

If you need help finding indirect objects or what pronouns you’re supposed to use, you can check my guide on Spanish indirect object pronouns. To practice direct object pronouns, you can check this guide. Finally, object pronouns in Spanish can appear in the same sentence. If that’s the case, there are certain rules regarding double object pronouns that you must keep in mind.  

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