Conditional Tense Spanish Practice Quiz

The Spanish conditional tense allows you to express conditions and communicate more politely. In short, you should take the time to learn, practice and master this tense. This conditional tense Spanish practice quiz is meant to help you practice both regular and irregular conditional conjugations. 

Carefully read each example and fill in the blanks with the verb conjugated to the conditional tense.

15 Questions

  • 0 Correct
  • 0 Incorrect
/ 15

Yo (comer) pizza todos los días si pudiera.

I would eat pizza everyday if I could.

In the Spanish conditional tense, ‘-ía’ is the conjugation ending you should use for the first-person singular (yo).

Ella (viajar) por el mundo si tuviera dinero.

She would travel the world if she had money.

The correct ending for the third-person singular is ‘-ía’. As a result, ‘viajaría’ is the right answer.

Señora, yo no (saber) decirle qué pasó.

Ma’am, I couldn’t tell you what happened.

‘Saber’ is an irregular verb in the conditional tense and uses the stem ‘sabr’. In this example, this Spanish tense conveys politeness.

Nosotros (estudiar) más si tuviéramos tiempo.

We would study more if we had more time.

To conjugate ‘estudiar’ for this example, add the conditional ending ‘-íamos’ to the infinitive verb.

Ustedes (ir) de vacaciones si ganaran la lotería.

You guys would go on vacation if you won the lottery.

Although it’s an irregular verb in most tenses, ‘ir’ is regular in the conditional tense. Since we’re talking about a plural subject, you must use the ending ‘-ían’.

Jonathan me dijo que (venir) a la fiesta.

Jonathan told me that he would come to the party.

‘Venir’ is one of the irregular conditional verbs. Use its conditional root ‘vendr’ to form this tense.

(ayudar) a Juan si él necesitara apoyo.

You would help Juan if he needed help.

‘-ías’ is the conditional ending you must use for the subject pronoun ‘tú’.

Ellas (hacer) ejercicio todos los días si tuvieran tiempo.

They would exercise every day if they had time.

In the conditional tense, hacer is an irregular verb. Notice that this example refers to conditions and their hypothetical results.

Yo te  (decir) la verdad si supiera lo que pasó.

I would tell you the truth if I knew what happened.

‘Decir’ is irregular in the conditional tense. In this tense, you must use the irregular root ‘dir’.

Señorita, ¿ (poder) salir un momento?

Miss, could you go outside for a moment?

In Spanish, we use the conditional form to make polite requests. ‘Podr’ is the irregular stem of poner.

¿Dónde   (poner) este cuadro tú?

Where would you put this painting?

This sentence conveys a hypothetical situation. Remember that poner is an irregular verb in this tense.

Martín no (querer) que estuvieras triste.

Martin wouldn’t want you to be sad.

‘Querer’ is irregular in the Spanish conditional tense. We use this verb form because we’re making an hypothesis about what Martin would have wanted.

Chicas, ¿ustedes con qué famoso (salir)?

Girls, which celebrity would you date?

‘Salir’ is one of the irregular verbs in the conditional tense. To conjugate it, you must use the stem ‘saldr’.

¿A dónde (ir) tus abuelos?

Where would your grandparents go?

 ‘Abuelos’ is plural, as a result, the correct conjunction to make this hypothesis is “irían”.

Señorita, ¿ (haber) algún problema si uso esta computadora?

Miss, wouldn't it be a problem if I use this computer?

In the conditional tense, haber is an irregular verb. In this example, the conditional form allows you to ask politely about the existence of something (problem).

Quiz Results

Question Answer Given Correct Answer
Yo __________ (comer) pizza todos los días si pudiera.
Ella __________ (viajar) por el mundo si tuviera dinero.
Señora, yo no _____ (saber) decirle qué pasó.
Nosotros __________ (estudiar) más si tuviéramos tiempo.
Ustedes __________ (ir) de vacaciones si ganaran la lotería.
Jonathan me dijo que _______ (venir) a la fiesta.
Tú __________ (ayudar) a Juan si él necesitara apoyo.
Ellas __________ (hacer) ejercicio todos los días si tuvieran tiempo.
Yo te  __________ (decir) la verdad si supiera lo que pasó.
Señorita, ¿_____ (poder) salir un momento?
¿Dónde ______  (poner) este cuadro tú?
Martín no ____ (querer) que estuvieras triste.
Chicas, ¿ustedes con qué famoso _____ (salir)?
¿A dónde _____ (ir) tus abuelos?
Señorita, ¿______ (haber) algún problema si uso esta computadora?

Conditional Tense Spanish Practice: Quiz Instructions

In this quiz, there are 15 sentences with incomplete verb conjugations. Your task is simple! Carefully read each example and fill in the blanks with the verb conjugated to the conditional tense. 

Remember that the Spanish conditional endings are accented. You can find an “insert character” box where you can choose the correct accented vowel. 

Conditional Tense Spanish Notes

Here are some key points about the conditional tense:

  • The endings to form the conditional tense in Spanish are ía, ías, ía, íamos, íais, ían. 
  • These conditional endings are used for both regular and irregular verbs. 
  • In Spanish, regular verbs in the conditional tense are formed by adding the corresponding ending to the verb’s root. 
  • The root of irregular conditional verbs undergo some changes. 
  • The Spanish conditional tense is used to express politeness, introduce conditions, and form indirect speech. 

Often, this tense is combined with si clauses to express hypothetical outcomes.

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